
On the basis of the decision of the advisory body established by Government Decision 1598/2023 (XII.22.) residence permit applications for study purpose are now exempted from under the subsection (2) of the new Immigration Act in force since 1 January 2024. 


This means that the study purpose applications are again open for submission at the Consular Section of the Embassy of Hungary.

Students can from now book their appointments via email at 

Family reunification and Employment purpose applications are still suspended between 1 January 2024 and 29 February 2024.


Students filed their applications before 31 December 2023 will recieve their decisions after 29 February.

If a student needs to enter the country before 29. February 2024, he/she must submit a new application for a residence permit in the national interest pursuant to Section 67 of the Act. 


At the same time as submitting the new application, students may request - in a written statement - the discontinuation of their earlier applications submitted before 31 December 2023, however, such a statement is not a condition for the initiation of the procedure for the issuance of a residence permit pursuant to Section 67 for after the expiry of the period of suspension application shall be subject to the provisions of the Article 7(1) of the Act. This means that if you are issued with a residence permit as per high national interest and your previous case has not been terminated a decision will be made after 29 February and that will replace the permit you originally got. 


The Embassy of Hungary must stress that it is not guarrantied that you would get your decision earlier on the soul fact of a new application filed under the new Act.


For further information, we recommend that you visit the website of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing: