Changes regarding employment with a residence permit for the purpose of employment


Dear Applicants!

We inform you that in a new Government Decree No. 450/2024 (XII. 23.) on the employment of guest workers in Hungary (hereinafter: Government Decree) was published and came into force on the 1st of January 2025.

According to the new Legistlation as of the beginning of 2025 only citizens of those countries can be employed in Hungary with a residence permit for the purpose of employment which are listed in Appendix 1 of the Government Decree As of yet Pakistan has not been listed.


Also, the Decree states that citizens of other third countries can also be employed in Hungary if their state has an organization or office in Hungary officially recognised by that country which commits to ensuring compliance with Hungarian national and European Union legislation on the admission and residence of third-country nationals and in case of non-compliance, its national leaves the territory of Hungary and returns to the certain state of origin.

The Minister responsible for foreign policy will publish these countries in a Communication included in the Official Bulletin, annexed to the ’Hungarian Gazette’ – As of yet Pakistan has not been listed.


Due to the Above, untill additions to the mentioned Appendixes or Legislatory detailerulings to the contrary the

Embassy of Hungary will not be able to register Residence Permit Applications for the purpose of employment.


Kindly visit our Site regulary for ubdates.

Applications for employment submitted before the 1st of January 2025, and which are in process as of the 31st of December 2024 – I.E. the visafee has been submitted before that dateare not affected by the Decree.




Consular Section

Embassy of Hungary, Islamabad