5 Sep

On 5 September 2019, Chargé d’affaires Tivadar Takács and Dr. István Grafjódi Commercial Counsellor visited the Dost Foundation in Peshawar, where they attended the Teqball-show organized by the institution.

In April 2019, the Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade donated the Teqball-table based on Hungarian innovation to the foundation, which is a non-profit organisation working with youth suffering from drug addiction or other social difficulties. (Previously: https://iszlamabad.mfa.gov.hu/eng/news/magyar-sportdiplomaciai-delegacio-latogatasa-pakisztanban.)

Following the show, which was started with the Chargé d’affaires initial kick-off, the institution’s management presented to the representatives of the Embassy of Hungary the further ideas of Dost Foundation for the wider introduction and promotion of the Teqball-table. Tivadar Takács expressed his happiness that the game is so popular among the youth at the foundation and asked the organizers to stay in touch with the embassy regarding further plans for the institution.


Teqball show by Pakistani players: